If Abram and Sarai had Twitter
The following is a imaginary twitter conversation that was created by a group of 6th – 8th grade youth at the retreat I spoke at this weekend. It was placed onscreen while a member of the group read Genesis 12:1-20. I think it's pretty cool:
OMG12:1-20: @Abe75 pack your bags we're going on a road trip
OMG12:1-20: #thisisgonnarock
Abe75: Me and @LotsaFun are goin on a trip #abesbigtrip
Hater51: @Abe75 you're crazy #abesfolly
SnakeEye: @Rottnegg @MrGumpypants can you believe what @Abe75 is doing? #abesfolly
LotsaFun: @Abe75 @MissSarah ready for the trip!
Supporter21: @MissSarah you go girl!
Sonshine: #Abesbigtrip this is great!
SnakeEye: #Abesfolly is right
MrGrumpypants: #Abesfolly Absolutely!
ImagoDei: #Abesbigtrip sounds like you were made for this
MissSarah: @Abe75 we're out of food #hungry
Abe75: @MissSarah let's head south and see KingP
Abe75: dm @MissSarah you're looking fine - better keep this on the down low (-; *-:
KingP: Just got this fine girl for an ipad and a pack of lollipops
Abe75: lollipops are awesome #full
OMG12:1-20: @KingP big mistake buddy
KingP: I want my ipad back #feelinsick
KingP: @Abe75 Dude not cool she's not your sister #polygamy
KingP: keep the ipad and your "sis" and just get out #anddontcomeback
I am constantly and pleasantly surprised by the fun and creativity with which young Christians approach their faith and work to integrate their faith into their lives. This is just one particularly fun example. Thanks to Jay Locklear of St. Luke's UMC in Sanford, NC for passing this along to me.
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